
113年工程學院傑出及優秀青年甄選選拔, 即日起至2024年9月20日週五下午16:00




本系收件截止日為2024.9.20() 16:00pm。相關辦法及申請表請參考附件。


  • 系內選拔:最多可推薦3員,參加工程學院傑出青年選拔。
  • 學院選拔:通過者為學院傑出青年,餘為學院優秀青年(系傑出青年)。學院傑出青年頒發傑出青年證書暨獎牌,餘頒發優秀青年證書乙紙。獲選為學院傑出青年者,同時為學校傑出青年候選人。
  • 學校選拔,通過者為台灣科技大學當年度傑出青年,除可獲證書、獎狀外,另頒10000元奬學金。

相關申請資料(紙本、電子檔)請繳交或寄送至T2-207謝俊平 Email:pin5098@ mail.ntust.edu.tw


(個人自傳(格式自訂,惟內容應含個人一吋照片學經歷具體優良事蹟論述及佐證資料等。資料請以在台科的表現為主,並附上申請資料3-4 分鐘報告用的投影片電子檔)


(工程學院推薦表乙份 (推薦表1頁為佳,至多2頁,英文姓名請以"姓氏,名字"方式填寫 ex: Kuo, Ai-Be

 聯絡人:謝俊平 分機3284  Email:pin5098@ mail.ntust.edu.tw



2024 College of Engineering Outstanding Youth Selection

Submission Deadline: Sep 20th (Fri.) 16:00

The 2024 College of Engineering Outstanding Youth Selection is now officially open. The selected candidates will win ‘The Outstanding Youth of Engineering College’ title and will go on to be recommended for the university’s selection . The Chemical Engineering department has a quota of three students. Aspiring students are encouraged to participate. The application deadline for the Chemical Engineering department is the 20th September (Friday) at 16:00 hours. For the application methods and forms, please refer to the attached.

The selection of outstanding youth in our university is divided into three steps:

(1) Department selection: The department would recommend at most 3 students to participate in the Engineering College’s Outstanding Youth Selection.

(2) College selection: A selected candidate will be awarded ‘The Outstanding Youth of the College’, and the rest will awarded ‘The Excellent Youth of the College’ title. The Outstanding Youth of the College recipient will be presented with a certificate and a plaque and would go on to be recommended as a candidate for the university’s selection. The ‘Excellent Youth’ awardees will be presented with a certificate.

(3) University selection: The selected winner will be awarded ‘The Outstanding Youth of the Year of NTUST’ title and presented with a NT$ 10000 scholarship and a certificate.

Please submit the application and documents (both paper and electric files) to the contact person, Xie Junping, at T2-207.

Required materials for the selection:

(1)   The candidate’s autobiography (format decided by candidate, contents to include a passport-size photo, student’s educational and work experience, a description of outstanding service, performance, or contributions with supporting documentation, in both hardcopy and computer file form, and slideshow file for 3-4 minute report about self-recommendation.

(2)   A complete transcript of the student’s academic and behavior grades.

(3)  A selection form (Please find the attachment)

Contact person: Xie Junping  ext:3284  Email:pin5098@ mail.ntust.edu.tw

