本學期起新版本「紙本論文延後公開申請書」畢業生線上申請後,系統直接帶入欄位值,不須手寫 (右上角會有學號條碼)。
請注意自 2023/9/21 起,「舊版手寫紙本論文延後公開申請書」已不適用。
The handwritten application forms from previous editions will no longer be accepted.
本學期112-01起【紙本論文延後公開申請書】須線上填表列印。(範例如下圖 An example is shown below)
Application for Embargo of print copy of Thesis/Dissertation must be filled out online and printed, starting from this semester.
詳細說明如下Details as follows
Please use the student information system ID/PW to login in the system.
2.登入後依照三步驟-線上列印申請表 (請列印與繳交一式兩份正本簽章)
Please follow the three steps to print the application form online (print in duplicate)