
【 2024 跨域數位 & 國際人才就業博覽會 】將於 6/7(五)於台北文創登場!

2024 跨域數位 & 國際人才就業博覽會 】將於 6/7(五)於台北文創登場! 此活動由數位產業署主辦 、資策會執行並與 CakeResume 合作,邀請想跨入數位經濟領域的你報名參加!

The job fair is organized by the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), executed by the Institute for Information Industry, and partnered with CakeResume. We welcome both Taiwanese and international talents to explore this unique opportunity!

免費實體活動名額有限,立即報名 Register Now >>> https://cakeresume.me/iYjfT

資策會就業博覽會 Accupass Banner.jpg

活動細節 Event Details

  • 日期 Date: 2024/6/7 (Fri.)
  • 時間 Time: 13:00 - 16:30
  • 地點 Venue: 台北文創 Taipei New Horizon Building (No. 88, Yanchang Road, 6F)


活動亮點 Event Highlights

  • 優質國際企業現場互動|來到現場就有機會投遞履歷、到企業攤位一對一交流面談,加速獲得入職門票!
    Connect with renowned international companies |

    Engage directly with employers, submit your resume on-site, and participate in one-on-one interviews.
  • 六大數位經濟領域職缺|「人工智慧、資料科學、智慧聯網、智慧內容、數位行銷、資訊安全」六大領域豐富職缺,一次掌握最新產業趨勢
    Explore opportunities in 6 key digital economy sectors |
    Discover vacancies in AI, Data Science, IoT, Digital Content, Digital Marketing, Information Security, and more. Stay ahead with the latest trends.
  • 開啟國際企業職涯機會|無論你是台灣求職者、在台外籍人士,多元的職涯機會在現場等你來探索!
    Unlock global career paths |

    Open doors to numerous career opportunities with world-leading international companies.

更多活動內容 More Information>>> https://cakeresume.me/iYjfT

千萬別錯過 2024 跨域數位 & 國際人才就業博覽會!



Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to jumpstart your career in the digital economy.
Should you have any questions about
The 2024 Digital & International Talent Job Fair, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



Tzu-Hsuan Account Executive at CakeResume

聯繫 Emailtzuhsuan.chen@cakeresume.com

更多資源分享 Resources

DIGI+ Talent 計畫官網
DIGI+ Talent 計畫免費網路學院
