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Undergraduate Program,Graduate Programs

All English undergraduate program


In 2014, all-English Undergraduate Dual Degree Program was launched between the Chemical Engineering Departments of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) and Widya Mandala Catholic University (WMCU). 

Student spends the first two years at WMCU and the next two years at Taiwan Tech. After completing credit requirements (see the attached file below), student will be offered BS degrees from WMCU and Taiwan Tech.

We welcome any student majors in Chemical Engineering to apply for our third- and fourth- year English program. If the student can fulfill our credit requirement, he/she will be offered BS Degree in Chemical Engineering by Taiwan Tech.

Anyone interested in our All English Undergraduate Program should contact: chem@mail.ntust.edu.tw

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Dear Applicants,

Thank you for applying  English-taught international graduate programs of the Department of Chemical Engineering at Taiwan Tech.


Starting from year 2017, 30 USD will be charged for application. The good news is  the application fee (USD 30) will be reimbursed  by your thesis supervisor after you have been granted with NTUST scholarship and joined the research laboratory of your thesis supervisor.

Best regards,

Department of Chemical Engineering



update: 2020.07.15